Scintillating Stimulations of My Mind

This is just a rather random notebook of any thoughts I might have while surfing the internet or something like that...I forge--oooh look! Fruit. Anyways...enjoy this rather brilliant masterpiece. *sleeps*

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Warrior-poet, 1337, legend. These are but a handful of names recently given to me by my peers. Worshipped in certain tribes in the Amazon and Guatemala, I am the very embodiment of awesome in this (and most others) plane of existence.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Can't we all just get along?

A few of your earth days ago, I happened upon a scene which began to turn my cranial cogs like a magical cog-turning dragon thingy. It was of a comparitively well-off (financially) little girl-not more than 8 years of age- chatting non-chalantly with a young street boy.

Now, people outside of my native Bangladesh might be offended by calling a less privileged young human being a 'street' boy. But let me tell you this, as riven as my heart is at the thought of such a prospect, the denizens of Bangladesh live in a society in which the distribution of income is horrendously uneven. Where there are people living in near-famine conditions while there are those driving around in Porches and BMWs, sipping alcohol in a muslim nation just to be 'modern'. Now, let me make it clear that the improverished make up about 90-95% of our population and the alcohol-sipping cads make up around 1-2%. These disgusting abominations of our rapidly decaying society are usually the politicians, people we vote to lead us out of the aforementioned third-world poverty and into the bright light at the end of the tunnel-the title of 'developed' country. But alas, 90% of our foreign aid and even domestic revenue end up in these unethical beings' own pockets, leaving the general populace's dreams of a better life merely that...a dream.

Alas, I stray from the main point.

Thus, with this alarmingly gargantuan disparity in income levels, our society has degraded almost into a form of 'class' system. Where the well off turn their collective noses up at those whose only sin was to be fated with a poor household and a lack of proper education which would be the keystone to their rising the social ladders. Thus, us 'rich' ones...yes, I too am a member of this 1-2% minority [although not the BMW/Porche driving fanatics with their indian fashion sense and immoral vices. Fine...we aren't as well off as those retards.] usually segregate ourselves from the impoverished majority of our realm. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule, but they are few and too far between.

The scene I mentioned way up there in the beginning of this labyrinthine essay got me puzzling my puzzler until I realized a certain point we as humans almost never admit. We turn into uptight little pricks when we grow up.

Face the facts, when you were a young little ne'er-do-well, causing a ruckus for the denial of the purchase of some fabulous, obscure little toy, did you ever discriminate? Did you ever stop talking to a fellow human being just because he or she was different from you? Sift through the sin, swim through the pain and tears and hearken back to the days of yore. And the answer should hit you like that truck that keeps missing you on the highway: never. At least, not unless the grown-ups told you to.

Every gathering I ever went to that featured tiny tots [ages 2-8] in moderate numbers were met with the same sight. A smorgasbond [is that even a word? I remember hearing/reading that word somewhere once...some help is appreciated] of tolerance and equality is usually the sight you will behold once you see these hellraisers interact. Gone are social status, gone are differences in monetary conditions, gone are any form of discrimination. These kids are saints.

At least when you compare them to the absolute cesspool of ignorance, hate and intolerance that us creatures above the puberty-line are. We constantly check our little meter of social status like a healthbar in an especially hard videogame. Constantly behaving a certain way so as to show of our powers over those 'below' us. I'm not talking simply about the third-world here. I'm talking about the whole world. Even those from fully-developed and ultra-super-duper-extra powered-giga-futuristic metropoli are guilty of this sad by-product of a fast-paced world.

Where did we go wrong people?

It is a well known fact that during the years leading upto puberty, human beings are information sponges, absorbing even arbitrary and pointless information like a super absorbant piece of tissue paper in a pint of easily-absorbed liquid. And we all try hard to teach these children the harsh realities of life so that they grow up to be just as we are, and maybe even better. For human beings have the capacity to be better. But for once, I would like to take this opportunity to request you people over the age of 13, to take a page out of children's books and try to learn from them. We all yell and scream and pull each others' hair for human rights and for the fair treatment of the entire human race.

Maybe we should practice what we preach.



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