Scintillating Stimulations of My Mind

This is just a rather random notebook of any thoughts I might have while surfing the internet or something like that...I forge--oooh look! Fruit. Anyways...enjoy this rather brilliant masterpiece. *sleeps*

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Warrior-poet, 1337, legend. These are but a handful of names recently given to me by my peers. Worshipped in certain tribes in the Amazon and Guatemala, I am the very embodiment of awesome in this (and most others) plane of existence.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Japan+Famitsu+Japanese Gamer Votes=Top 100 Games of All Time

Well, allow me to awaken from my self-induced slumber of epic proportions from the very recesses of this abominable blogosphere to bring to you, the simple mortal, this list which is sure to molest the very confines of the cerebrums of a million gamers; and give those otaku thingies a wet dream from which they shall never awake...until the next episode of Naruto is released.

I present to thee:

The Top 100 Video Games of All Time-Japanese Version

Because deep down, we all know that that's the only list that matters.

Well, I could simply copy/paste the entire list here and take all the credit for bringing you this list and claim that I acquired the aforementioned list by hiding in the commode of the editor of Famitsu while he had a serious bout of explosive diarrhea....but I refuse to engage in that sort of activity.

So I'll simply direct credit where credit is due: Next Genereration

And I'll just copy/paste the Top 10 on that accursedly delicious list:

1. Final Fantasy X (2001)
2. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
3. Dragon Quest III (1988)
4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004)
5. Machi (1998)
6. Final Fantasy IV (1991)
7. Tactics Ogre (1995)
8. Final Fantasy III (1990)
9. Dragon Quest VII (2000)
10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

The entire list can be found here.

Well, looks like the winners are Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest [whoever did not expect that, stand up so I may slap you across the face and stuff you back into the pits of Hell, you ignorant, ignorant half-being], appearing multiple times throughout the list [Face it, I'm too lazy to count it for you]. And though bummed about Final Fantasy VII being anywhere except the number 1 position, it's all good.

Look to the skies for my arrival upon your insignificant lives mortals, for when the first sign appears, it shall be too late to repent for thy innattentiveness.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pink FLossIE shall reign FOrever mwahahahahahahaha!!!

the hardcore Pink FloSSIe GANG

10:50 AM  

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